In Sarasota County, where homelessness is on the rise, the nonprofit day center provides unhoused individuals with food, clothing, showers and restrooms.
After buzzy energy of the early 2000s and 2010s, the pandemic and changing economics took a toll on the local music scene. But there is still one out there—and it's been struggling to recover and find itself again.
We spoke with Michelle Mitchell, who is transitioning from her role as CEO of CoreSRQ to district executive director of the Y's new Sarasota City Branch and Palmer Ranch Branch.
“When I first started, my biggest issue was trusting the bungee, because I thought I was surely going to faceplant onto the floor," says one enthusiast. "But now, I don’t even think about it.”
As property values soar and demand for downtown real estate hits an all-time high, it’s hard not to wonder if a historic community like Towles Court can endure.